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08:00 – 11:30

BIOFOR : (How) Turning everything green is a gold rush for the millennia.

Session Chair: Orlando Rojas, UBC

We are at a tipping point in terms of global warming and will have to accelerate innovation and commercialization processes to ensure we meet legislations and expectations from the public – but more. We should not only find sustainable materials and products, but also, we must improve tremendously in resource efficiency considering production processes and logistics as a whole. The “green” from cellulose is the land of opportunity and will create gold mines for the right innovations and developed products, when the time is right.


“Case Studies of Bioeconomy Successes in Europe and the RISE Vision for the Future”
Tomas Anderson, RISE

09:00 RISE thoughts on “What to do with all this cellulose material?”

“RISE Bioeconomy Arena”
Per Tomani, RISE
“Low Density Materials / cellulose-based foams”
Klas Johansson, RISE
“Electrochemistry and Digital Cellulose”
Hjalmar Granberg, RISE


“Driving forces for Bioeconomy growth in the EU”

“What’s on the horizon for Biomaterials and the EU”
Michael Sturges, EDGE/RISE
“New packaging materials and applications and the demand of recyclable barriers”
Peter Rätto, RISE
“On the innovation landscape and experiences from SWE-CAN innovation cooperation”
Regina Summer, Ignite Sweden
“On the process of moving from cellulose based Innovation to Commercialization”
David Holly, Hoting Innovations

09:30 – 10:00

Networking Break

10:00 – 11:30

Innovations in Paper Chemistry

Session Chair: Przem Pruszynski, Pruszynski Paper Chemistry

10:00 “Enzymatic treatments and opportunities for mechanical pulps”, James Luo & Frank Whitley, Solenis
10:20 “Sustainability & Renewable performance technologies”, Adam Tonzi, Kemira
10:40 “Minimizing fresh water consumption by maximizing reuse”, Pascal Morin, Kemira
11:00 “Amphoteric Dry Strength”, Ryo Ito, Arakawa Chemical, and Przem Pruszynski, Pruszynski Paper Chemistry and  ARAKAWA
11:20 “Waxy potato starch based derivatives for use in barrier films”, Didier Delnoye, Industrial Royal Avebe


Session Chair: Talat Mahmood, FPInnovations

10:00 “Biological Monitoring to Improve Treatment Process Stability”, Greg Maloney, BioApplied and Mack Pardy, SENTRY
10:30 “New Era in P&P WWT”, Mitra Mehrabani, Stantec

11:30 – 12:30

Networking and Lunch Break

12:30 – 14:00


Session Chair: Serge Bedard & Jawad Jeaidi, Natural Resources Canada

12:30 “The LignoForce Process Energy Impacts”, Shadan Mostafavi, NORAM
13:00 “Towards Carbon Negative Emissions: Integrating Amine-based CO2 Capture in a Canadian Kraft Mill”, Pardis Rofouieeraghi, CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada
13:30 “High temperature heat pumps for the pulp and paper sector: overview of technologies and applications”, Charles Rand and Etienne Bernier, Natural Resources Canada


Session Chair: Rory Ralph, Mercer International

12:30 “Multiline continuous cooking upgrades at high kappa”, Kevin Pollinger, Valmet
13:00 “Sulphur Makeup in an Unbleached Kraft Mill”, Mehul Chauhan, West Fraser
13:30 “Ozone Oxidation for Brighter Pulp & Blue Water”, Alexis Metais, Xylem

BIOFOR Roundtable: Textiles - One Year Later!

Session Chair: Orlando Rojas, UBC

12:30 Introduction, Orlando Rojas, Bioproducts Institute, University of British Columbia
12:35 Lessons learned in 2023, an introduction, Orlando Rojas, Bioproducts Institute, University of British Columbia
12:50 Dissolving grade cellulose from alternative fibers, Mariana Lendewig and Ryen Frazier, SAFI Consortium, North Carolina State University, USA
13:15 Cellulose reactive dopes for advanced textiles, featured talk by Juan Pablo Calvo, Bioproducts Institute, University of British Columbia
13:40 Panel discussion with Dr. Julie Willoughby, Blue Hummingbird (Intertwining science and creativity to accelerate business growth), Sr. Scientific Advisor for CIRC (textile recycling) and Advisor and Acting CEO for Tandem Repeat

14:00 – 14:30

Networking Break

14:30 – 16:00

Tissue - Bamboo Pulp for Tissue Making

Session Chair: Shaune Hanley, Resolute FP

14:30 “Market Pulp Trends”, Brian McClay, TTO & BMA
15:00 “Morphology and Key Features of Bamboo Fibres”, Chao Duo, Tianjin University of Science & Technology
15:30 “Bamboo Fibres in Tissue Making – advantages and challenges”,  Chaochao Tian, Tianjin University of Science & Technology


Session Chair: Mona Henderson, Valmet

14:30 “ECTFE veil for FRP corrosion barriers in FRP equipment at pulp bleaching plants”, Rafic Moubarac, EXPERCO
15:00 “A Journey through the Installation and Impact of our Bleach Plant Wash Press”, Honey Nampac, Harmac-Pacific
15:30 “Ozone Bleaching History”, Alexis Metais, Xylem

BIOFOR Panel - First Nations and the Bioeconomy

Session Chair: Virginie Chambost, EnVertis and Heather Trajano, UBC

The objective of the panel is to provide a platform for First Nations representatives to showcase projects developed in the forest industry and more specifically related to the forest bioeconomy and the context of carbo-neutrality in the future. First Nations representatives will share their experiences in developing and implementing these projects, and put forward their vision for the future.


Ms. Tina Rasmussen, Chief Business Officer, Meadow Lake Tribal Council Industrial Investments – Saskatchewan
Mr. Constant Awashish, Grand Chief of the Atikamekw – La Tuque Community

16:00 – 17:00


*Please note all schedule is set on Eastern Time